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    Brand Sotry

    Machsync is expert in using various sensors to integrate with the Internet of Thing. We are focusing on the dataization of any cutting technology and application, making data highly effective in intelligence. We also have the courage to develop possibilities in different technological fields,introducing the Internet of Things to the fields of machinery, cutting, construction and automobiles. 「Achieve The Future」will be our mission and we will create a better and more efficient living environment.

    About Us

    Machsync set its headquarter in Taichung and an office in Kaohsiung, also has more than ten years of ultraprecision machining technology and Advanced Manufacturing Technology. We expert in using various sensors to integrate with IoT technology. So far, we have cooperated with many academic institutions and completed plenty of projects that are difficult to process and difficult to measure stably, and there are also many industrial innovations from our team.

    Prospect and Service
    From traditional monitoring to dataization

    Machsync focus on digitizing of any cutting technology and application nowadays, putting the sensor on any mechanical structure closest to the forefront processing to achieve the mechanical definition of an intelligent integrated system, so that the data can be truly highly effective in intelligence.

    From the progress of traditional cutting to holographic cutting, improve the integration technology of CNC compound machine addition and subtraction manufacturing, dissimilar material compound manufacturing and metal 3D printing process. All the above are in our service scope, enabling Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing applications to be implemented in the industry.

    Smart machining
    Smart CNC and AMT
    Smart machinery IIoT
    Factory topology IIoT
    World topology IIoT

    For the manufacturing industry, there are many problems with the ever-changing cutting process. Among them, tool life is an important factor affecting product quality in the process. Through the Internet of Things and sensing applications, we endow the tool handle with tactile sensory ability, so we can predict tool life and optimize the process to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and reducing workpiece waste.


    Earthquake is one of the unpredictable natural disasters. Building collapses caused by earthquakes occur one after another. Even if there is no immediate danger after the earthquake, it may cause permanent damage to the building. It is impossible to know the real state of the building only through human detection. Through the Internet of Things and sensing applications, it can give the building a tree-like vitality, instantly know the health status of the building, and rely on the accumulated data for analysis to provide people with a better living environment.


    The car mainly relies on four tires to move, and the mobility of the car will change according to the condition of the tires, which also affects the safety of human life. Therefore, the real-time monitoring of tires is very important.

    Vision and Strategy

    We have the courage to develop possibilities in different technological fields, introducing the Internet of Everything and sensing applications to various fields such as machinery, machining, construction, and automobiles. Not just to solve or improve the problems of the industry, but also to give life to objects, and we committed to creating a better and more efficient living environment.Therefore, "achieving the future" is the principle that Machsync has always adhered to. Everything we do and every decision is to create anything that may happen in the future.