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    The Definition of Cloud Computing and Its Service Models

    Nowadays, cloud services can be seen everywhere in life, and I believe many people have used them. Compared with the use of hardware to store information in the past, cloud services are convenient and can reduce the cost of equipment. It is not only popular among enterprises but also the general public will also use the cloud to store personal information, that’s why many companies see business opportunities and start to develop their own cloud services, which has become a hot topic in recent years. Let’s learn what cloud computing is.


    What is cloud computing?

    Cloud computing is a computing method based on the Internet. Through the network, the shared software and hardware resources or information are provided to each computer or device to deliver computing services such as servers, storage, databases, analysis, and intelligent functions as required. This can accelerate innovation and achieve economies of scale, reduce costs, and efficiently adjust to meet business needs.

    Cloud computing types

    • Public cloud: This service provides computing resources such as servers and storage through the Internet and third-party service providers, it is open to customers, but this does not mean that the information is public. Usually, users will be implemented using an access control mechanism, which is both flexible and cost-effective.

    • Private cloud: A private cloud is used exclusively by a single enterprise or organization. The difference from a public cloud is that data and programs are managed within the organization, and there are fewer legal, security, or network bandwidth restrictions.

    • Community cloud: Community cloud is controlled and used by many organizations with similar interests, such as specific security requirements, common purpose, etc., to provide members with the common use of cloud data and applications.

    • Hybrid cloud: Combining public and private clouds, usually an enterprise or organization outsources non-confidential information and processes it on the public cloud which has key enterprise services and data at the same time.

    Cloud service types

    • Software as a Service (SaaS): It is a method of delivering software applications through the Internet. Users do not need to download the software and can use it directly through the web. Software service suppliers will provide services in the form of renting. The common model is to give users a set of account passwords, such as Adobe Creative Cloud or Microsoft, which hosts and manages programs and foundations and maintains upgrades regularly or security repairs.

    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This is the most basic service category. Users can have basic computing resources, such as storage space, middleware, network components, and processing analysis, without installing hardware practically, and charging by consumption. Users can control the system, storage space, and applications, however, they cannot control the cloud architecture just like Amazon.

    • Platform as a Service (PaaS): It refers to cloud computing services, users can control the operation of applications and part of the host but do not include the operating system, hardware, or network foundation, and the platform can assist develop, testing, deliver and manage, to reduce the cost of buying or managing hardware or software and hosting such as Google App Engine.

    Cloud computing benefits

    1.Low cost: Many cloud computing providers supply operation and maintenance, therefore, they don’t need to handle such work by themselves, and the payment method is very flexible and saves a lot of unnecessary trouble. In addition, cloud computing uses the network to reduce the cost of servers and equipment.

    2.Security: Cloud computing is more complex than traditional data centers. Cloud suppliers can provide technology and controls to enhance overall security and help users to protect any foundation, including computing, storage, and databases.

    3.Speed: Most of the services are self-service or on-demand, and even a large amount of computing resources can be completed within minutes, allowing users to reduce the pressure of capacity planning.

    4.Efficiency: Cloud computing operates on the global network and will upgrade regularly or update to maintain the latest computing hardware, which can reduce the network delay of applications and provide the best economies of scale as the general company data center.

    5.Storage space: The storage space on the cloud is almost unlimited, and the equipment is not managed by itself. There is no need to worry about the future demand becoming larger, and such storage space can also be expanded or reduced according to the various needs.

    6.Reliability: There are several backup platforms behind the cloud service for mirroring processing, which can back up the data in real-time, therefore, it will be more secure and cost-effective in disaster recovery and business continuity.

    Cloud Computing Trends

    The application of cloud computing to process huge data and industrial transformation has a great impact on enterprises. Cloud services are currently entering the market in various forms, such as CRM (customer relationship management), customer service management, project management, sales management, inventory, etc., to solve the various requirements of many enterprises and markets.

    The development and application of the cloud greatly improve efficiency, reduce the management of equipment, bandwidth, and IT in the server room, enhances the enterprise's mastery of its own information, and can focus more on developing services.

    In the field of networking and big data, various new forms have also developed, so how to use cloud data more effectively will become a major focus.

    With applications to the fields of AI, the Internet of Things, and big data, various types have also been developed. Therefore, how to use cloud data more effectively will become a big point.

    Main image photo by panumas nikhomkhai, link: Pexels

    Source: IBM

    References: IBM / Alibaba / ecloudture / Microsoft / Wikipedia

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