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    How to ensure your drill hole quality?

    Generally, in the processing of turning, it is relatively easy to get started in terms of technology, equipment, and processes either. Obviously, it also pays more attention to the profit of processing. Let’s discuss how turning can quickly optimize manufacturing speed and quality quickly.



    Drilling is one of cutting method which uses a drill bit to cut or create a hole with a circular cross-section on materials. The drill bit is a rotary cutting tool that uses pressure and speed to pass through the workpiece to leave a circular hole, and the chips will fall off the circular hole.

    If the drill bit is shift during processing and the center point deviates from the ideal position, the problem of drilling skew will occur, but in many cases, it cannot be detected by the naked eye.

    Can you identify which drill hole is poorer quality?

    blue - axial force

    red - torsion

    We can see from the signal that the machining of these twenty holes has a stable cutting force in terms of axial force and torsion force, which means that the load (torsion) in the control of the machine tool is also stable.

    However, there are several holes with poor quality hided in it and we are not able to know.

    Let's see which holes with the problem.

    We use the bending force (green) to monitor, and we will find that it is not cutting stably in fact. The problematic machining is like the four holes in the above picture, especially the sixteenth hole, which may be a seriously skewed hole.

    If we start from the polar diagram to check the time domain of processing, we can even know the direction of hole and how such a NG status is caused.

    The above example shows that it is important to monitor the "correct signal".

    In many ever-changing processes, how many quality problems have we experienced that we don't know? In the worst case, these problems are discovered after they have been delivered to customers. In order to avoid poor quality and improve processing efficiency, it is necessary to make good use of cutting data to qualify as smart cutting.

    Main image Photo by Andrew_Gowenlock

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